Sunday, August 26, 2007

i shall be the first to post in this new blog
to all the 2-3-ers:
this is our new blog. Please keep it alive and i will be spreading the email and password for this blog around. do remember and don't forget about this blog like how you all did to the previous one. I hope you guys will take care of this blog, so i think there should be some rules for everyone:)
1. No vuglarities
2. State your name after every post or tag.
3. you can post about anything but please don't let it be something that may hurt someone else or just weird stuff.
that's all. Very easy ones. Please take note of them. Thanks

some important events coming up:
1.Class t-shirt will be coming soon:D
2.Class bbq at my house:)
3.PL fair
should be like that for now:)

anyway, the common test are over so everyone do have fun for the last one term and take care of yourself:D Hope you guys did well this term. If you didn't, nevermind, just work harder next year:D

alright. that's all for now. BYE!

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